Basic First Aid Techniques for Common Injuries

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Basic first aid techniques are crucial as they will help you handle a wide variety of emergencies prior to the arrival of first responders. Irrespective of the nature of accident, each injury must be handled with the attention that it deserves, and as fast as possible. When it comes to handling such emergencies, time could be the difference between life and death. It is crucial to note, however, that once you have administered first aid, it is important to seek professional medical attention so that if need be, the situation does not escalate. This article focuses on some of the common accidents at home and provides you with a guideline on how to manage injuries that result thereof.

The material posted on this page on management of choking, shock and burns is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage these breathing and environmental emergencies register for a first aid / CPR course today.

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Basic First Aid Techniques For Choking

Choking occurs when a foreign object is stuck in the throat, thus preventing normal breathing. Kids are prone to chocking so it is important for parents and caregivers to know what to do. For mild obstruction, the patient is required to cough in order to eliminate the object. If this does not suffice, give 5 rapid blows directed to the back. When this fails as well, give abdominal thrusts and then make sure that you call for medical help.

Basic first aid techniques for burns

Burns occur due to steam or hot liquids, and in some cases, due to skin irritation caused by chemical compounds. Run water over the burnt area for about 5 minutes and then allow the patient to stay still. Pour more cold water or place an ice pack over the area. Get rid of any clothing or jewelry near the burnt area, but DO NOT pull out clothes that have stuck to the affected area as this will cause more injuries. Cover the area with a sterile material to prevent infection and then get professional medical attention.

Basic first aid techniques for shock

Shock usually shows up in different ways, but serious accidents are a common cause. Once you have addressed the more glaring signs, turn to the patient and find out whether they have any shock. Look out for the following symptoms: cold skin, unusual breathing that is often accompanied by shallow breaths, pale skin particularly on the face as well as confusion. In order to help the patient, allow them to lay still and raise their legs to promote proper blood circulation. Keep them warm as well, and avoid giving any fluids until you certify that they are breathing as they should. Check the pulse from time to time, and if the situation does not improve, call for help.

Basic first aid techniques for sunburns

Spending too much time in the sun has the effect of causing sunburns which are characterized by red patches on the skin. Patients also feel pain in the affected regions. Treatment involves moving the patient indoors and sponging the affected area with cold water. Calamine lotion will also help soothe the affected area.

While accidents are preventable, the best approach to take is to prepare for them.

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