Treating Asthma Attacks

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Overview of Asthma Attacks

When a person has an asthma attack, they are having an increase in their asthma symptoms that happens suddenly. For example, they may experience:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Breaths that are rapid and shallow
  • Unable to take a deep breath, and this may be accompanied by a stomach ache
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing

The severity of these symptoms is going to depend on just how much the flow of air is being reduced to the lungs. The amount of time that this lasts is going to depend, as there are those who have this for a few minutes, while others may have this for days. There are those who get asthma attacks during certain seasons, while others can get this at any time.

In some cases, asthma attacks do flare up when a person has been around certain triggers. For example, children exposed to animal dander or tobacco smoke may have an asthma attack. Usually symptoms occur anywhere from 4 to 12 hours after coming into contact with the trigger.

Causes of Asthma Attacks

In some cases, asthma attacks do flare up when a person has been around certain triggers. For example, children exposed to animal dander or tobacco smoke may have an asthma attack.
In some cases, asthma attacks do flare up when a person has been around certain triggers. For example, children exposed to animal dander or tobacco smoke may have an asthma attack.

There are several causes of asthma attacks, such as:

  • Long-term inflammation in the bronchial tubes that carry air to the lungs.
  • The muscles in the bronchial tubes become tight and reduces air flow
  • Mucus that is produced by the bronchial tubes

These attacks can be serious or milk, but they are something that most people can treat at home once they know that they have asthma.

Danger signs

Phone for an ambulance straight away if you have any of the subsequent symptoms. These are indications of a severe medical emergency.

  • You are having problems speaking because it is so difficult to take breaths.
  • You are huddling over.
  • The nails or lips might turn blue.
  • You are disordered or less receptive than normal.

Treating Asthma at Home

Have an asthma attack plan at home that is written down in the event that the asthma attack is serious. You should have a list of medications that you need to take and when the doctor needs to be called. You will want to work on this asthma plan with your doctor. Your doctor can help you to figure out:

  • What triggers are going to cause your asthma attack so that you can avoid these
  • The symptoms that you are having an asthma attack, as these symptoms are going to vary
  • The medications that you can take for quick relief and how to take these
  • When you need to get to a doctor, such as if your attack lasts so long or you notice that you are not breathing any better.

Related Video On Asthma Attacks



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