What you Need to Know About CPR Re-Certification

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There is more to CPR certification than just getting a certificate, and in fact, a big percentage of this revolves around CPR re-certification. Just as the name suggests, this makes reference to the issuance of a second CPR Re-Certificationcertificate subsequent to training after a given period of time. This is important for many reasons which will be listed below. The first reason why anyone would need to go for re-certification is because CPR techniques are an acquired skill, and like many acquired skills, it is important to carry out continuous evaluation so that skills are renewed every so often. What’s more, there is always new information every so often to improve techniques used in CPR.

Get Re-Certified

Many job openings where CPR training is imperative, the major requirement is usually to have a valid CPR certificate that has not expired. Consequently, if you have a certificate whose date is almost expired, you may want to get through with the process of CPR re-certification. Research that has been carried out has shown that almost half of all trained individuals are not well versed with the skills barely 12 months down the line. As a result of this, re-certification will not only allow for a refresher course, it will also enable trainees to keep up with any changes that are made in line with CPR techniques.

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Learn the Latest Effective CPR Guidelines

A perfect example that puts this in perspective is the set of guidelines changed by the American Heart Association as far as CPR techniques are concerned. These changes were made in 2010, and facilitated for the change of procedure for CPR. Initially, the procedure was abbreviated under the acronym A-B-C, which meant checking the airways (A) to see whether the patient is breathing (B) after which one will carry out chest compressions (C). It was, however, realized that this led to the wastage of precious minutes as the first aiders checked breathing.

Following this observation, it was recommended that the procedure is altered to C-A-B, meaning that the first aider will first do chest compressions before checking for the airways and lastly breathing. Without CPR re-certification, it is impossible to keep abreast with all these changes. Avoid getting yourself into a situation where your certificate has expired yet you need it for a job urgently. Time constraints need not be a restrictive factor. Re-certification is also affordable, and there are several options for students who are interested in the course.

Where To Get Re-Certified?

Depending on the center where you would like to do your CPR re-certification, there are many ways to go about it. For instance, you could choose to take a review before engaging in a program offered by some of the organizations that conduct CPR training and re-certification. A review course, just as the name suggests, is an improvement on the material content the student uses before they take an exam. The other option commonly used is the challenge course. This involves taking classes without necessarily using the review provided one passes the exam. Due to this, it is impossible to have re-certification done immediately. If that is the case, one could consider online CPR re-certification.

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