Heart palpitations are sensations of having a rapid, fluttering or pounding heart, and can be caused by stress, medications, exercises or sometimes medical conditions such as arrhythmia which is an irregular heartbeat that will require treatment.
Symptoms of heart palpitations
A heart palpitation feels like the heart is fluttering, skipping beats, beating too fast and pumps harder than usual. Heart palpitations can also be felt in the throat, neck, and also the chest. It can happen whether a person is active or at rest, standing, sitting or lying down.
Palpitations that are accompanied by chest discomfort or pain, the person faints, severe shortness of breath and dizziness would require medical attention.
Causes of heart palpitations
Heart palpitations can be caused some strenuous exercises, taking caffeine, strong emotional responses like stress and anxiety, fever, nicotine and some hormonal changes linked with menstruation, pregnancy or even menopause.
The use of cold and cough medications that have pseudoephedrine which is a stimulant and using asthma inhaler medications that have stimulants are also possible causes. Sometimes, heart palpitations can indicate some medical problems like an overly active thyroid gland or an anomalous heart rhythm also known as arrhythmia.
Some complications of heart palpitations that are caused by a heart conditions include the following:
If the heart is beating fast, the blood pressure will drop and cause the person to faint; this can occur if the affected person has a heart problem such as congenital heart disease and certain valve problems. Sometimes, it can cause cardiac arrest, where the heart stops beating effectively or even stroke if palpitations are caused by atrial fibrillation which causes blood clots and blocks the brain artery. It is best that you are prepared to handle such conditions by enrolling in one of the first aid courses today.
Treatment and home remedies
- Reduce the level of stress or anxiety by doing some relaxation techniques, like meditation, yoga or deep breathing or aromatherapy.
- Avoid taking stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, cold medicines and energy drinks that can cause the heart beat irregularly and quickly.
- Avoid taking some illegal drugs like cocaine and amphetamines since they can cause heart palpitations.
Some herbal medications that can be used to treat heart palpitations include the following:
- Drink organic grape juice in order to reduce heart palpitations when the person has hot flashes and sweating at night.
- Take a tincture of 25 drops of black haw root bark. Mix an infusion tea with black haw root bark and drink in order to relive the symptoms. It also acts as an antispasmodic in relaxing the heart muscles.
- Drink valerian tea in order to calm the rapid beating of the heart and also drink ginger tea.
Some vitamins and supplements for heart palpitations
- Take Vitamin E at least 200-1200 IU’s daily in order to minimize the heart palpitations.
- Take magnesium and calcium to help in preventing heart palpitations that must be taken in between meals in order to avoid a stomach upset.
- Drinking plenty of liquids, especially water.