One the greatest sufferings of a cancer patient is the pain from the disease and / or the treatment. Because the pain of cancer can be very agonizing, the patient’s family members need to learn how to alleviate such suffering. An understanding about cancer pain and knowing the proper management of the condition is something that can help the family members to take care of cancer patients properly and with the less worries.
The material posted on this page on pain management is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage emergencies and to learn how to provide aid with medication (using the 5 rights of medication) register for a first aid class with one of our providers.
The Common Pain Symptoms in Cancer
Cancer involves the production of abnormal cells that prevents the body to carry out its normal functions. It can affect various body tissues and organs, especially the breast, skin, lungs, colon, liver and nerve tissues. When taking care of a cancer patient, it is essential to keep pain management a priority in the treatment plan. Pain usually manifests as accompanied by the symptoms of fatigue, body weakness, chills, weight loss and loss of appetite.
Managing the pain symptoms of cancer
There are various ways to help alleviate the symptoms of pain in a cancer patient. The most common approach is to provide pain medications. If the doctor has already prescribed a pain medication to a cancer patient and the drug doesn’t seem to be effective in relieving pain, make sure to take the patient back to the doctor to diagnose what causes the body to become unresponsive to the drug. It is possible that the physician will need to adjust the dosage of the drug or to change the drug prescribed.
Never self medicate if you are experiencing pain. Some prescription medicines can cause an adverse reaction to the body that can cause complications of cancer. Make sure to take the pain medication regularly as prescribed by your doctor. Antidepressants, anti-convulsive and local anesthetics can help relieve pain, but must be taken with caution.
What to do When Cancer Becomes a Medical Emergency
Pain in cancers is usually not a stand alone condition. It can become a medical emergency when other conditions occur, such as fever, chills and infection. Make sure to call a doctor immediately when the pain becomes intolerable and the patient does not seem to respond to pain medications. When the person experiences chills and fever, make sure to keep the body warm, such as covering the body with a blanket. Ask the persons to stay calm and check for the vital signs regularly. Once you have taken the person to the emergency room, make sure to inform the nurse or doctor in-charge that the person is a cancer patient. This can help the doctor in determining the best treatment approach for the patient.
Better health channel. Cancer pain management. Retrieved on June 13,2014 from