Salt Water for Wounds

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Salt is a natural antiseptic and helps in the cleaning and sterilizing of open wounds. Salt is an abrasive and should be diluted in water. Mix a tablespoon of salt to a cup of warm water and stir until the salt dissolves in the water. Soak the wounds into the solution. This has been used as an initial treatment to disinfect wounds.

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How to treat wounds

Depending on the wound that was sustained by the individual, you can easily use salt for disinfection purposes.

  • Small wounds in the hand and feet – fill a small bowl with warm water and add several tablespoons of salt and soak the wound for 15 minutes.  Rinse in cold water and dry the wound.  Apply hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to further disinfect the wound and to get rid of dead skin cells.
  • Large wounds in the body – for large wounds, the individual can take a salt water bath. Fill a bathtub with warm water and add a cup of salt water and stir the bathwater thoroughly until the salt dissolves completely. Instruct the individual to immerse in the salt water bath for 15 minutes and rinse it thoroughly under the shower. Dry the wound with a towel. For further sterilization of the wound, apply rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Do not use salt water bath if bleeding is still present. Just pat the wound gently with salt water until the bleeding in the wound stops. If bleeding could not be stopped and there is swelling, seek immediate emergency care.

Salt water for wounds
Do not use salt water bath if bleeding is still present. Just pat the wound gently with salt water until the bleeding in the wound stops.

Do not use salt water bath when there is a broken bone. The wound may require stitches or other medical interventions before soaking the wound in salt water.

Types of salts that can also be used for other healing purposes

  1. Magnesium chloride – used to promote healing due to its anti-allergic elements when used topically
  2. Potassium chloride – it regulates the moisture level of the skin
  3. Sodium chloride – reduces rigidity and muscular cramps
  4. Calcium chloride – it basically works beneath the skin layer as a remedial tissue component
  5. Bromide – provides a calming effect on the skin, muscles and nerves
  6. Sulphates – natural disinfectant found in a certain vitamins
  7. Dead sea salt – it is a mixture of salts with many benefits that can relieve acne, hives, psoriasis, dry skin, rheumatologic conditions such as muscle aches, stress and insomnia.  Dead Sea salt can be dissolved in water and used as a soaking bath.

Other healing uses of salt

Salt packs can be used as a remedy for swelling and pain relief. Salt packs retain heat and can help provide relief to stiff muscles and joints or ease menstrual cramps and stomach aches. Salts can be included into a hot compress to reduce inflammation and infection. Mixing salt and hot water that the individual can tolerate helps reduce inflammation and infection.

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