Prevention of basketball injuries

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Prevention of basketball injuries

Due to the fast-paced nature of basketball, it can cause a variety of injuries that usually involve the ankle, foot and knee. The most common basketball injuries are knee ligament tears and sprained ankles. The basketball players are also prone to stress fractures and jammed fingers in the lower leg and foot.

Ankle sprains-basketball injuries
Ankle sprains are common basketball injuries.

Preparation for the game

  • Establish proper fitness by maintaining good physical condition before the start of the basketball season. It is important to stick with a balanced fitness program that involves strength training, aerobic exercise and flexibility.
  • Warm up exercises and stretching before a game. Muscles that are cold are more susceptible to injuries. Prevent basketball injuries by warming up using jumping jacks and stationary running for 3-5 minutes. After the warm up routine, steadily and gently stretch while holding each stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Keep the body hydrated. If the body does not have enough fluids, it could not cool itself effectively. It is recommended to drink 24 ounces of fluids 2 hours before exercise. You can also drink another 8 ounces before exercise. During the practice, you can drink 8 ounces every 20 minutes.

Appropriate equipment during the game

  • Wear basketball shoes that properly fit, provide support and offer a non-skid quality.
  • Protective elbow and knee pads should be used to prevent abrasions and bruises.
  • Ankle supports can be used to minimize ankle sprains.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry or chewing gum during a basketball game or practice.
  • For those who are using glasses, use glass guards or safety glasses for eye protection.

Preparation for possible injuries during a game

The coaches must be knowledgeable when it comes to first aid and can deliver the appropriate measures for minor injuries such as bruises, facial cuts as well as minor sprains and strains.

It is important to be prepared for emergencies while the coaches must have a plan to get in touch with the medical professionals in case of serious injuries such as dislocations, concussions, sprains, contusions, fractures and abrasions.

For players who were previously injured, the symptoms should be gone before they are allowed to play basketball again. In case of joint issues, the player should have no swelling, pain and have full range of motion and normal strength.

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How to prevent overuse injuries in basketball

It is a known fact that majority of athletes are focused on just a single sport and training vigorously. As a result, it increases their risk for overuse injuries. There are certain tips that can help prevent overuse injuries when playing basketball.

  • Try to limit the number of games joined in one season. Athletes who play on several teams are at higher risk for overuse injuries.
  • Basketball players should not stick with the sport all year round. It is best to take regular breaks and engage in other sports. This is vital for the development of other skills as well as preventing injuries.

Individuals who are engaged in basketball can fully enjoy the sport as long as the appropriate injury prevention measures are observed.

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