How to treat infected cat bite

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The saliva of cats carries plenty of bacteria and this is why a cat bite is likely to get infected. A cat bite wound can cause serious infection within 12 hours after the bite and about 40% of the wounds are infected.

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Symptoms of an infected cat bite

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pus in the affected area and fever

Some people are oblivious to the fact that cat bites can be serious. Organisms and bacteria living in the mouth of cats can cause serious infections. It is important to note that can sometimes bite and the reasons of their biting include the following:

  • The cat feels that their owner treats them too roughly even with just playing, thus they scratch or bite.
  • When cats are nervous and frightened, anybody they can bump on faces the risk of being bitten.
  • A cat can bite while they are playing.
  • Sometimes, cats can bite if not feeling well.

Treatment and home remedies for an infected cat bite

Cat bite
Stop any bleeding by using a clean piece of cloth
  • Wash the affected area immediately using hot water and soap.
  • Disinfect the affected area with any disinfectant available.
  • Stop any bleeding by using a clean piece of cloth
  • After the wound has been disinfected, cover it loosely using a Band-Aid or a clean gauze pad and tape in place.
  • Increase the intake of Vitamin C supplement since this can help in reducing the chances of infection caused by bites of cats.
  • Take prescribed antibiotics such as penicillin if the infection is severe.

Other natural remedies for an infected cat bite

  • Make an antibacterial paste using tea tree oil, calendula or goldenseal and a sterile clay. Combine them together to create a paste and then place it over the infected bite.
  • Carrots can also help in the treatment of infected bites of cats. Grate one whole carrot and place this on the infected wound. Wrap it in a moist and warm washcloth for 30 minutes. This poultice helps draw out infectious toxins and speed up the healing of the infected wound.
  • Mix juice of lime and castor oil and put over the infected cat bite. This can help promote faster healing of the injury.
  • Another natural remedy is using sterile clay that is mixed with some medicinal herbs like berberis or hydrastis which possesses antimicrobial properties. Apply this mixture over the infected area and wait until the ointment dries up. Remove the coating and apply several times.
  • Apply alternately hot and cold compresses on the infected wound in order to help stimulate circulation of blood in the area.

If the symptoms still persist even with these home remedies and treatment, seek medical help immediately. If not certain about the immunization status of the cat that has bitten the individual, he/she should be given a series of rabies shots. Even if the cat that has bitten a person has no rabies, it is still important to get a tetanus shot within 72 hours of the cat bite.

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