Can Stress Cause Abdominal Pain?

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People might see abdominal pain and stress as isolated problems, but the two often relate to each other through emotional and physical means. Nervousness is produced from stress which can affect the body’s nervous system and disturb functioning in the abdominal section. Some individuals might even notice they experience stomach problems when experiencing challenging situations.


When food moves down the digestive tract, the neurons send signals to the muscle cells to contract and carry on with the intestinal process. Nerve cells in the digestive tract and nervous system interrelate as food is broken down into nutrients and waste.


Stress can affect the digestive process as individuals respond to the fight-or-flight response; the response that causes individuals to flee or take on a stressful event. Digestion reduces or ends as the body centers its energy on responding to stress. Public speaking, writing an examination, attending an essential meeting or other stressful occasions might upset the digestive process for some individuals, leading to gastrointestinal conditions or abdominal pain. A contradictory effect can result in gastrointestinal problems causing nervousness and stress. A series of abdominal pain and stress can complicate problems for individuals experiencing prolonged stress.


Stress can cause abdominal pain
Stress can cause abdominal pain

Standard physical symptoms connected to stress and nervousness consist of gastrointestinal conditions, such as an irritable bowel disorder and inflammatory bowel disease. Anxiety and despair can cause complications with the intestines or colon because of the link between the digestive tract and the nervous system, resulting in abdominal pain, spasms, cramps, swelling, constipation and diarrhea.

Kids and teenagers frequently experience abdominal pain and other intestinal problems from stress and nervousness. Parents who become too concerned about their teenager’s pain can aggregate or make it worse because the teenager then becomes even more anxious or worried. Paying more attention to your kid’s school or other activities might lessen the abdominal pain.


Various treatments can assist individuals with stress which will then relieve abdominal troubles. People with prolonged anxiety due to stress might benefit from psychotherapy. Therapists assist patients to rearrange destructive thinking and behavior so they focus more on constructive thoughts. This helps individuals to understand the motives for their anxiety and how to overcome it.


Relaxation therapy plays a significant part in reducing stress and abdominal difficulties. Exercises consist of progressive muscle relaxation in which individuals tense a muscle for a few seconds before releasing the stiffness. Visualization assists people to visualize peaceful places or feelings in order to produce reassuring effects. The relaxation techniques provide an emotional relief from stress. Hypnosis, reflexology or just listening to some peaceful songs can help reduce stress which will then also release pressure on the abdominal section.

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