A Brief Insight Into Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

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An automated external defibrillator is a gadget that’s used to check the rhythm of one’s heart. It can also be used to send an electric shock to the heart in an attempt to restore its normal rhythm. The devices are also used in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrests (SCAs).


Sudden cardiac arrests happen when the heart stops beating unexpectedly. Here, normal blood flow to the brain and other organs is impaired. Such occurrences are usually fatal if untreated immediately. In fact, chances of survival are reduced by 10% for each minute. An AED (automatic external defibrillator) may save someone’s life when they’re having a sudden cardiac arrest.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKEL7rONx5c” width=”220″]


To understand how these devices work, it’s first important to know how the heart works. It’s comprised of an internal electrical system which controls the rhythm and rate of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical signal is sent from the top of the organ to the bottom. As this happens, it makes the heart contract, thus pumping blood. This process is normally repeated for each new heartbeat.


If the electrical system has any problems, abnormal rhythms (known as arrhythmia) occur. Here, the heart either beats too slow or too fast, often following an irregular rhythm. In some cases, normal blood flow to the rest of the body could stop. This results in a sudden cardiac arrest.


One well known cause of this is ventricular fibrillation. Here, the heart’s lower chambers, known as ventricles, stop functioning normally. Instead, they shiver irregularly in a very rapid manner. Another arrhythmia which could cause SCA is known as ventricular tachycardia. This is a rapid, regular beating of the ventricles which could last for several seconds or longer.


If someone is suffering an SCA, you may notice them suddenly pass out. You could also find them unconscious and unable to respond when they’re shaken or called. The person could also not be breathing. Their breath could also be following an irregular pattern. The skin may turn blue or dark due to lack of oxygen. One could also be motionless, or their movements could resemble seizures.


When one suffers either of these problems, AED could be used to restore the normal rhythm of the heart. Doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a person having SCA can also improve their chance of survival. These devices are battery-operated, lightweight and portable. They’re also easy to use as well.


Each unit comes with instructions and the device also issues voice prompts which let one know when a shock to the heart should be sent. Learning how to use such a gadget and taking a CPR class could be very helpful. If trained personnel are unavailable, an untrained person can also use an AED to help save a patient’s life.


AED is common in places where many people frequent. Such include golf courses, hotels, shopping malls, airports, businesses, schools and sports venues. You could also purchase one for use within your home. 95% of people who suffer from SCAs die, usually within a few minutes. Quick treatment using an automated external defibrillator could help save lots of lives.

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