Treating epidermoid cysts or sebaceous cysts

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Epidermoid cysts are noncancerous small bumps found beneath the skin, and can happen anywhere on the skin, but commonly on the face, trunk and neck. They grow slowly and do not cause pain but it needs to be removed if the cysts are causing pain, ruptured or infected. Sebaceous cysts arise from the glands that function in secreting oily matter that lubricate the hair and skin. If you want to know about these types of cysts, read here.

Symptoms of epidermoid cysts

  • A tiny blackhead occurs at the central opening of the cysts
  • A small and round bump will develop under the skin, commonly on the face, trunk and neck.
  • If the area is inflamed or infected, there is redness, swelling and tenderness
  • A thick, yellow and foul-smelling liquid that drains from the cysts.
  • If the cysts grow rapidly, ruptures or becomes painful and infected, and it happens in the area that is always irritated, it requires medical care.
Epidermoid cyst
If the area is inflamed or infected, there is redness, swelling and tenderness

Causes of epidermoid cysts

Epidermoid cysts form when these cells move deeper into the skin and multiply. The epidermal cells will form the wall of the cyst and secrete the protein keratin into the interior; the keratin is the thick, yellow substance that drains from the cysts. The abnormal growth of cells is caused by the damaged hair follicle or oil glands in the skin.

Some complications that can be caused by epidermoid cysts include swelling and tenderness. The ruptured cysts can progress into to boil-like infections that require medical care. An epidermoid cyst becomes infected and painful or abscessed. Epidermoid cysts that occur in the genital area can cause painful intercourse and urination and in rare cases, can cause cancer of the skin.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Fill a heating pad with hot water or dip a wash cloth in hot water, but a heating pad is most preferred, and then place on the cyst for 15 minutes, at least twice a day.
  • The heat helps in dissolving the fluids that is inside the cysts.
  • The cysts should be gone at least within ten days

Sebaceous cysts can be treated naturally with the following:

  • Increase the intake of Vitamin A and B. Garlic is rich in Vitamin B.
  • Take 2 or 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
  • Apply a topical cream to the cysts at night and allow it to soak in overnight such as Calendula and Poke Root. They help in reducing the inflammation and the risk of infections.
  • Clean the affected region and place an essential oil to the cysts, like fennel, juniper, lemon and milk thistle.
  • Bath daily in warm water mixed with Epsom salts
  • Another treatment is the turmeric herb that is used in Indian cooking. Mix ½ tsp. of the powder and mixed it with ½ cup of milk and drink it at least two times a day for 10 days.

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