Shoulder Problems and Injuries

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Whether tossing a ball, propelling a canoe, lifting containers, or pushing a lawn mower, we depend greatly on our shoulders to execute a number of activities. Having sore muscles and pain is not something that is uncommon. In fact, almost everyone can remember a time in which they have felt like this, and many feel like this on a daily basis. This muscle pain could be due to a tear, overuse, an injury or just everyday wear and tear. Shoulder problems are one of the most common issues people have. And these issues can be serious or minor. The symptoms may include numbness, tingling, weakness, swelling, pain, a change in the color of the skin and even changes in the motion you have within the shoulder.

Sudden Injury (Acute)

Shoulder pain is most often caused by an injury that is sudden. For example, you could fall with your arm stretched out wrong and injure your shoulder.
Shoulder pain is most often caused by an injury that is sudden. For example, you could fall with your arm stretched out wrong and injure your shoulder.

Shoulder pain is most often caused by an injury that is sudden. For example, you could fall with your arm stretched out wrong and injure your shoulder. The pain can be severe and sudden, you may see swelling or bruising afterwards. The arm may even feel cold, look blue, and feel weak. Those injuries that are acute include:

  • Bruises which occur when the blood vessels under the skin are damaged
  • Injury to the ligaments that helps to stabilize the shoulder
  • Injury to the tendons that connect the muscle and bone
  • Strain to the muscle

Injuries due to Overuse

When an injury results from overuse, this is due to too much stress being placed on the shoulder. The injury is often going to include:

  • The sac of fluid around the shoulder is going to be inflamed due overuse
  • The muscle is going to become strained
  • Shoulder movement by limited which is referred to as a frozen shoulder
  • The rotator cuff tendons may become inflamed if the tendons are inflamed and rubbing against the shoulder blade

An unexpected increase in movement can place great strain on the shoulders and result in a loss of tractability. This is a common issue with middle age people, particularly among individuals who don’t exercise frequently.

Treating Should Injuries

In most cases, shoulder injuries can be treated with first aid measures that you may take at home. However, in some cases, physiotherapy, medicine, and surgery have to be utilized. The type of treatment that you will require will depend on several aspects:

  • Location, type and severity of the injury
  • The length of time in which the injury occurred
  • Your personal aspects such as age, health condition, and the activities that you participate in

You will want to check with your doctor to find out the best form of treatment.

Related Video On Shoulder Pain

More Information

The information posted on this page is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize, manage and treat muscular and skeletal injuries sign up for a first aid course in your area.


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