How to treat burning mouth syndrome

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Burning mouth syndrome is a medical term for an ongoing chronic or a recurrent burning in the mouth without any possible cause. It affects the tongue, gums, and lips, interior of the cheeks and even the roof of the mouth. It happens suddenly and can be severe which is similar to a feeling that the mouth is scalded. You can enroll in a first aid course so that you can properly manage the symptoms.

Burning mouth syndrome
It affects the tongue, gums, and lips, interior of the cheeks and even the roof of the mouth.

Several symptoms of the burning mouth syndrome

  • A burning feeling that usually involves the tongue as well as the lips, palate, gum, throat or whole area of the mouth.
  • There is an increased thirst and dry mouth
  • There is loss of taste and food tastes as metallic or bitter

The discomfort of this condition has several patterns, like it may happen every day every time upon waking up and becoming worse in the days to come. Sometimes it starts upon waking up and will last the whole day, and the discomfort may come and go.

Whatever pattern of mouth discomfort a person has, the burning mouth syndrome can last for months to years. Burning mouth syndrome does not cause any physical changes to the tongue or mouth.

The causes of the burning mouth syndrome can be classified into primary and secondary causes.

  • The primary burning mouth syndrome can be caused with problems of taste and sensory nerves of the peripheral or central nervous system.
  • The secondary burning mouth syndrome can be caused by some medical conditions.
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Xerostomia also known as dry mouth can be caused by some medications, health problems, and problems with salivary gland function or the cancer treatment side effects.

A nutritional insufficiency like lack of iron, zinc, foliate, thiamine which is vitamin B-1, riboflavin (vitamin B-2), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and cobalamin (vitamin B-12)

Dentures that do not fit well, food allergies, food flavorings and other additives, and fragrances, dyes or dental-works substances can also cause a burning tongue syndrome. Some oral habits like tongue thrusting, biting the tip of the tongue and teeth grinding which is bruxism can cause this syndrome.

Endocrine disorders like diabetes or an underactive thyroid also known as hypothyroidism. Some mouth irritations which can be caused from over brushing the tongue, abrasive toothpaste, overusing of mouthwashes and drinking too many acidic drinks like lemon.

Psychological factors like anxiety, depression and stress. Home remedies and self-help measures to help improve the symptoms. A person can find these beneficial in reducing chronic mouth discomforts.

  • By drinking more fluids, to minimize the feeling of dry mouth, and do not drink carbonated beverages.
  • Do not use tobacco products
  • Avoiding alcohol and alcohol products
  • Avoiding products with cinnamon or mint and spicy-hot foods
  • Avoid eating tomatoes, drinking orange juice, soft drinks and coffee.
  • Try to reduce excessive stress.

There are no known ways of preventing a burning mouth syndrome. What a person can do is avoiding the use of tobacco, eating acidic and spicy foods and avoidance of drinking carbonated drinks and excessive stress. By doing this, a person can be able to reduce discomfort from a burning mouth syndrome and preventing it from getting worse.

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